2021 Calendar of Events
Calendar is Subject to Change
2022 Ladies Golf Association Board of Directors
Captain - Kathy Todd
Tournament Chair - Cathy Herbst
Assistant Tournament Chairman - Ann Phillips
2nd Assistant Tournament Chairman - Amy McGuire
Secretary - Amy McGuire
Treasurer - Shurene Curti
Handicapper - Susan Pearson
Assistant Handicapper - Patty Castro
Directors at Large
Judy Williams
Patti Simoni
Shurene Curti
Kristina Vizzolini
Birdies - Table Roster
Calendar Booklet - Ann Phillips
Eclectic - Susan Pearson
F/S Reviewer -Clare Whitlatch
Hole-In-One - Kathy Todd
Intra Club - Ann Phillips, Amy McGuire
Luncheons - June Aguet
Open Days - Kathy Todd
Parliamentarian - Linda Donahue
Philanthropic - Patty Simoni
Newsletter/Website - Kathy Todd
Rep. to the Board - Kathy Todd
Rules - Shurene Curti
Sunshine - Judy Williams
Trophies/Prizes - Linda Giotto, Diane Nicols
Welcome Committee - Ann Phillips, Kathy Todd
NCGA Ambassador - Shurene Curti
Tuesday 9 Holers - Lorraine Borges, Lana Cooper, Roberta Stephens
A Team Captain & Co-Captain - Cathy Herbst & Kristina Vizzolini
B Team Captain & Co-Captain - Patty Castro & Amy Mcguire